Now, when you open that file you’ll see information about the websites you've visited directly or indirectly. To get rid of this, just type the command ipconfig /flushdns and your DNS cache will be cleared. Angel Luis has written a nice tutorial and script on this topic, I suggest you read it.
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Open Tools | Developer Tools from Chome menu. Switch to Network tab there. Keep that window open, browse as usual. Once you see that phenomenon again, go to that Developer tools window, and see which file was not loaded properly and why. It could be a DNS issue, or some transparent proxy acting up, or some other problem.
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21. You can create an OpenDNS account, point your child's system to use OpenDNS and keep a track of websites used using that. OpenDNS also allows you to block certain sites: Each household is unique, so OpenDNS gives you flexibility in blocking Internet content. We divide the Internet's millions of websites neatly into 56 categories, like ...
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For Linux and OS X: I wrote grab-site for archiving entire websites to WARC files. These WARC files can be browsed or extracted. grab-site lets you control which URLs to skip using regular expressions, and these can be changed when the crawl is running. It also comes with an extensive set of defaults for ignoring junk URLs.
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The problem is that after the captive portal redirects, I'll have also a HTTPS redirect and Chrome remembers the certificate and to use only HTTPS. So I cannot use the same site twice (in a session). A well-known public HTTP only site will resolve this. Well-known sites usually work, causing less debugging of the Wi-Fi connection. google-chrome.
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